Reference Code I/2-960 Title The Greek trade delegation Synopsis Panorama of the center of Tirana. The arrival of the Greek trade delegation headed by the...

Reference Code I/2-958 Title Friends from Algeria Synopsis On October 16, a delegation of the National People’s Assembly of Algeria headed by the president of...

Reference Code I/2-956 Title 6th festival of Albanian feature Synopsis Episode from the movie “Who dies on the feet”, the shooting group at work. The...

Reference Code I/2-921 Title Visit of French delgacion in Albania Synopsis At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a delegation of the Ministry...

Reference Code I/2-800 Title Even crumbles are bread Synopsis The film shows some aspects of work in different branches of the industry. The problem that...

Reference Code I/2-705 Title Ancient city, new city Synopsis Shkoder fortress. View of Shkoder from the castle. The main square of the city. People walking...

Reference Code I/2-654 Title For the land, for the bread Synopsis Tractor drivers working the land. The Hero of the Socialist Work Shyqeri Kanapari driving...

Reference Code I/2-652 Title Lasgush Poradeci Synopsis Pogradec lake. The shore of the lake and the swans bathing. Lasgush Poradeci looking at the lake. Lashgushi...

Reference Code I/2-583 Title Teeth and the health Synopsis Tirana with happy people. Polyclinic of Elabasan, Korce, and Peze. Gorese Hospital. Dental clinic of the...

Reference Code I/2-581 Title Pig, meat factory Synopsis Pig stable. Pigs drinking water and eating. Pigs’ birthing house. Piggy drinking. Alia Gishta watching the pigs....