Kujtim Gjonaj

Reference Code I/3-18 Title Songs and Dances from Popular Folklore Synopsis Directed by filmmaker Gëzim Erebara, this black and white musical documentary captures events around...

Reference Code I/2-1156 Title Towards Europe Synopsis The beginnings of democracy in Albania. The rallies. Flags, banners calling “Freedom Democracy”. Aspects from the rallies. Azem...

Reference Code I/2-1108 Title Meditation Synopsis The theatre of Shkodra, spectators in the hall. The drama “Our land ” (Zefi synchronously from his role). Various...

Reference Code I/2-1104 Title Conversation with the people Synopsis Panorama of Korce. On the occasion of the “May 1st” holiday, friend Ramiz Alia and other...

Reference Code I/2-1011 Title Precious orders Synopsis General view of Shkodër, panorama. Textile factory (retrospective). The past and contemporary work of women and girls with...

Reference Code I/2-777 Title Youth and the steel Synopsis The “Celiku i Partise” metallurgical plant, Elbasan. Young metallurgical workers going to work. Dashboards, panels. Foundry....

Reference Code I/2-693 Title With amateurs of the village Synopsis Panorama of sheep grazing in the village of Zinur in the district of Dibre. Shepherd...

Reference Code I/2-671 Title Metallurgy resounds Synopsis Young people entering in the big concert hall where a concert was performed on the occasion of the...

Reference Code I/2-661 Title The 7-th congress of the Party of Labour of Albania Synopsis Party House from the inside. Enver Hoxha enters in the...

Reference Code I/2-567 Title The III national sport competion Synopsis Tirana. The Sports Palace. Thoma Deljana speaks. Mehmet Shurdhi wins the marathon. Ermira Dingu, a...