Dritero Agolli

Reference Code I/3-13 Title Open Horizons Synopsis Event is based on real events of maritime port of Durrës, where Sokrati, Robert and Uran, are some...

Reference Code I/2-930 Title Loyal man of Party and people Synopsis Chronicle of the visits of friend Hysni Kapo to factories and other places in...

Reference Code I/2-756 Title Party’s loyal man Synopsis Mountain panoramas. The birthplace of comrade Hysni Kapo. Photos of mother, father, grandfather. Yard, village streets. View...

Reference Code I/2-311 Title Your way friend Synopsis The exhibition at the Palace of Culture. A picture of Comrade Enver. Beautiful panorama, a valley, a...

Reference Code I/2-195 Title In partisans paths Synopsis Tirana’s young people leaving for the excursion who will walk through the same path that the 1st...