Reference Code I/3-212 Title The Return of the Dead Army Synopsis Adaptation of the novel with the same title by Ismail Kadare. Two Italians, a...

Reference Code I/3-194 Title The Weight of Time Synopsis The events of the film take place in a village in the 80-s just on the...

Reference Code I/3-98 Title Hell 1943 Synopsis A revolt in the fascist camp of concentration in 1943, against the barbarian tortures and terror. The prisoners...

Reference Code I/3-78 Title Girls with Red Ribbons Synopsis The film revolves around Jeta’s activity. She is a young girl, a student of the teachers’...

Reference Code I/3-74 Title General Gramophone Synopsis The ground for the 1939 Italian occupation was prepared by the mid-thirties. An Italian entrepreneur invites Halit Berati,...

Reference Code I/3-58 Title Broken Threads Synopsis A foreign agent, Sami Ameni, arrives at the Rinas Airport. And he immediately sets down activating another agent,...

Reference Code I/3-54 Title The Lady from the City Synopsis Olga’s decision to live with Meli, her daughter working as assistant nurse in the countryside,...

Reference Code I/3-52 Title Confrontation Synopsis Adaptation of Teodor Laço’s novel. Following the end of war, the new people who have come to power are...

Reference Code I/3-43 Title War Paths Synopsis Second Worl War. Kanan, a fighter, wellknown all over the region of Peza, and Shaban, poor peasant, cope...

Reference Code I/3-29 Title Mountains Clad in Green Synopsis ’43ies. Kabo, Jaho and Peliceli, together with the little partisan Zenel, walk to the remote hospital...

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