Reference Code I/2-1032
Title Kol Idromeno
Synopsis View of Shkodra, landscape. The old bazaar. A Shkodra house with paintings on the walls. Painting “Skanderbeg”. The streets of Shkodra, the lake and the shore of Bune. Photo of patriots and fighters, photo of Vaso Pasha. View of Shkodra with houses destroyed by the earthquake and the project of Kol Idromenos from 1907, who was an architect at that time. Buildings built by Kol Idromeno. Various paintings, his portrait, the portrait of a girl and the painting “Our Sister”. Natural landscape. (271.4m) Shkoder, view of the Bune coast. Painting “Our Sister”, portrait of a man, portrait of a woman. Documents of the time. Panorama of the city of Shkodra. The painting “House Yard”, “Shkodra Wedding”. Bust of Skanderbeg by Vangjush Mio. The paintings “Autumn”, “Still nature”. Shopping street, country road, trees. Rozafa Castle, snowy mountains. Portrait . At the age of 71, he made the portrait of the woman “Cina”. The portrait of his granddaughter and the painting “The Old Man of Postribe”. His portrait. (296.9m)
Screenwriter Kolec Traboini Mikel Prenushi
Director Adriana Elini
Composer Mira Mecule
Camera Ibrahim Kasapi
Editing Dallendyshe Baboci
Sound Niko Shallo
Category Documentaries
Year 1987
Release date 1987
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 19min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Shkoder
Producers Kinostduio”Shqiperia e Re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit