Skënder Nuzi

Reference Code I/3-196 Title The Coast Synopsis At the end of the World War II Luljeta is appointed to work as a Party activist in...

Reference Code I/3-182 Title Still Spring Synopsis Dino Bregu, once the chief of a state farm, hears that Ilir, who took his place, has a...

Reference Code I/3-174 Title Three Days From a Life Synopsis Tow young directors, Ilir and Sandri, are working on a new film, which deals events...

Reference Code I/3-157 Title Hot Fall of 1941 Synopsis Kino-novel, adaptation of the story of the writer Dh. Shuteriqi” Our Marathonomak”. The film treats events...

Reference Code I/3-137 Title The Pupils of My Class Synopsis Math teacher, Nora is transferred to work in the gymnasium of a coastal city. Edi,...

Reference Code I/3-107 Title On the Border Between Two Legends Synopsis The events take place in the marsh of Nusekana, according to the legend. In...

Reference Code I/3-101 Title After Death Synopsis Adaption of one of the Albanian literary treasures “Club of Tthesaloniki” of Çajupi. It is the year 1908....

Reference Code I/3-46 Title A River of Light Synopsis Bardhi works as a teacher in a mountainous village. He is worried about one of his...

Reference Code I/2-1158 Title Trial Synopsis Tirana, view of the court building. Courtroom. Villas of the leaders’ block. The courtyard of Enver’s villa, the car....

Reference Code I/2-1155 Title Through the European highway Synopsis Our Tir ferry travel through the highways of Europe. The Strans-Albania factory. The offices of the...