Leonard Abazi

Reference Code I/4-169 Title The woodman’s balad Synopsis This is film shows the story of an old woodman who cutsthe love tree. It was winter...

Reference Code I/4-165 Title Sisiphian Synopsis The film, through a combined technical, transmits the sisiphian message of the modern times. The human dream por peace,...

Reference Code I/4-167 Title Game for all the time Synopsis Everthing is changed and transformed. The time goes on in different things. It repeats itself...

Reference Code I/4-168 Title The head fits to the hat Synopsis The dictator fabricates the heads of his subordinates according to the sample hat. What...

Reference Code I/4-161 Title The marionette Synopsis The well known characters of the tales in a puppets thetre. They want to be free, and not...

Reference Code I/4-158 Title The dead and the alive Synopsis p Screenwriter Petrit Ruka Director Albert Malltezi Composer Majlinda Seiti Camera Vangjush Valla Animator Albert...