Llazar Siliqi

Reference Code I/3-1 Title Scanderbeg Synopsis Historical film about our national hero, Scanderberg. Gjergj Kastrioti unites the Albanian princes through his marriage with Donika and...

Reference Code I/2-200 Title This is our land Synopsis Snowy mountains. Rakicke village covered with snow. The children of the village slide in the snow...

Reference Code I/2-117 Title Renaissance Synopsis Mountains and valleys sceneries in winter. Poor peasants, clouds, a small beggar begging. A young coachman, imam going to...

Reference Code I/2-91 Title The border guard Synopsis Documentary starting with the happy life of our children. Children riding horses or playing. People work diligently...

Reference Code I/2-95 Title Thrive Albania Synopsis The ancient traditions of our country are reflected through an old man who plays the lute and sings...

Reference Code I/2-63 Title Light over Albania Synopsis View of the Mati valley’s sunset. The Menge’s family talking about the fire. Zefi’s son, Lazer Menga,...

Reference Code I/2-64 Title Fraternal encounter Synopsis A Czechoslovak delegation headed by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers Viliam Shiroki arrived in our country...

Reference Code I/2-48 Title The 9-th spring Synopsis Movie begins with the recitation by actress Besa Imami of Naim’s verses from “Bageti e Bujqesi” accompanied...

Reference Code I/2-49 Title Our November Synopsis The film showing the image of toddlers sleeping. Beautiful landscapes are shown. Movie continues with the history of...

Reference Code I/2-36 Title Letter from the village Synopsis A boy writing a letter to his friend who went to study in Moscow. He writes...

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