Reference Code I/3-237 Title The Last Love Synopsis Drama of a prostitute. Her last love story helps her take courage in both hands and rise,...

Reference Code I/3-235 Title Toy Bullet Synopsis By introducing commercialism into the art and ideology the world is each day committing suicide. The film portrays...

Reference Code I/3-234 Title One Day from One Life Synopsis The dream of a man whom the old age has detached him from the intensive...

Reference Code I/3-228 Title Behind the facade Synopsis The dream of the isolated Albanians to travel abroad and get training, places two workmates against each...

Reference Code I/3-210 Title Elastic Boy Synopsis He is a 9-years old boy distinguished for his acrobatic skills that are noticed by his grandpa. He...

Reference Code I/3-192 Title Shpresa Synopsis Shpresa has an unhappy love story. Her boyfriend has left her. She has had an abortion. She grows more...

Reference Code I/3-191 Title Three People Cross the Mountain Synopsis A small village during World War II. Driven by misery some peasants smuggle goods across...

Reference Code I/3-189 Title The Investigation Goes On Synopsis A dead man is found somewhere in the suburbs of the town. The investigator faces the...

Reference Code I/3-188 Title A Long Year Synopsis Donika Saro is the director of an important enterprise. Unexpectedly her husband has an accident. Now she...

Reference Code I/3-183 Title My Family Synopsis Aunt Kalina remains lonely after the death of her husband. Her nephew has an obligation to take care...