Reference Code I/3-255 Title Mao Zedong Synopsis Stylish, thought provoking and darkly humorous, this groundbreaking feature unfolds the reality in a communist country in the...

Reference Code I/3-248 Title Red Flowers, Black Flowers Synopsis A film about dramatic relations, love affairs, loneliness and nightmares in an abandoned Albanian village, where...

Reference Code I/3-196 Title The Coast Synopsis At the end of the World War II Luljeta is appointed to work as a Party activist in...

Reference Code I/3-193 Title Stools in the Park Synopsis Many overcoats of the lovers of the city go directly for dry cleaning after the repainting...

Reference Code I/3-182 Title Still Spring Synopsis Dino Bregu, once the chief of a state farm, hears that Ilir, who took his place, has a...

Reference Code I/3-172 Title Whiteness Synopsis The hard winter of 1985 inspired filmmakers to realize this film. Two stories follow the lines of the film:...

Reference Code I/3-164 Title The Mistake Synopsis Martin is an inquisitive boy. Misunderstandings, in most of the cases, bitter ones, occur in the relations with...

Reference Code I/3-159 Title Our Enver Synopsis The film director, Bujar, is making a movie about the life and activity of Enver Hoxha. During the...

Reference Code I/3-150 Title Mondi and Diana Synopsis Mondi, a schoolboy is good at lessons but he is rather impulsive. His young and inexperienced teacher...

Reference Code I/3-146 Title Traces on the Snow Synopsis Traces are discovered at the border. The border guard Iliri is suspicious about the actions of...