Reference Code I/3-254 Title Gjoleka, son of Abas Synopsis The events take place in a small Albanian village, around the ’30ies. This isolated land, dominated...

Reference Code I/3-253 Title Magic Eye Synopsis Gjirokastra 1997. The journalist, Berti, searching for a “hot story”. Causes the death of an old man and...

Reference Code I/3-250 Title Dear Enemy Synopsis Albania 1943: After the Italian surrender, the Germans occupy the country, so the peoples’ situation becomes more and...

Reference Code I/3-249 Title Yllka Synopsis Events take place during the years of transition in Albania. Two women emigrate in Swiss and try to stay...

Reference Code I/3-245 Title Tirana Year 0 Synopsis After tragic events of 1997, Niku a 23 old year boy lives in Tirana with his parents....

Reference Code I/3-243 Title Gate Eva Synopsis Gate EVA or better say the tragedy of the prostitution traffic is included in 88 min of this...

Reference Code I/3-215 Title Ballad through bullets Synopsis World War II. In the Southern Albania some people have been shot by the Nazis. A one-year-old...

Reference Code I/3-184 Title Strings for a Violin Synopsis Andon, a young violinist is seriously studying for an admission to the Academy of Fine Arts....

Reference Code I/3-174 Title Three Days From a Life Synopsis Tow young directors, Ilir and Sandri, are working on a new film, which deals events...

Reference Code I/3-168 Title A Strage Wedding Synopsis 1943. At his last breathe, partisan Gani asks his friends to make sure that his daughter Sherka...