Reference Code I/3-244 Title Slogans Synopsis Events take place during the years of the communist dictatorship in a village school. Everybody must obey to the...

Reference Code I/3-242 Title Kolonel Bunker Synopsis Colonel Bunker a political parable based on facts and stark portrays to which an insanely regime will go...

Reference Code I/3-240 Title Sako’s Wedding Synopsis Adaptation form the novel by Vath Koreshi. The events of Sako’s weeding do come as through the medieval...

Reference Code I/3-238 Title Bolero Synopsis It is painful to remain your half. In a symbolic sense, emigration (the theme of the movie) builds the...

Reference Code I/3-224 Title Death of a Man Synopsis A former ambassador goes on pension and makes up his mind to go back and live...

Reference Code I/3-223 Title The Age Colors Synopsis While high school students of the last year are having a party in Tirana club, their twenty...

Reference Code I/3-220 Title A Boy and a Girl Synopsis Anila and Artan are about to sit their final examination. They live in the same...

Reference Code I/3-217 Title Kurbin’s Ballade Synopsis Soldiers that go to war as mercenaries and come back lame. Girls that wait and wait and than...

Reference Code I/3-205 Title People in the Flow Synopsis Arsen Morina is experiencing dramatic moments. He reacts with sacrifices to the dilemma, what is going...

Reference Code I/3-204 Title The Living Wall Synopsis The movie is based and develops its subject according to a largely known legend of a sacrifice...