Reference Code I/2-1111 Title Jubilar party Synopsis The city of Korce. The representatives of the working class arrive in this city to celebrate the 45th...

Reference Code I/2-625 Title The 25-th shock-brigade Synopsis Snowy mountains. Photography of Shote Galice and AsimVokshit. A nearby building. Villagers in position. Partisans on the...

Reference Code I/2-613 Title More oil for the country Synopsis The buildings of Patos. Worker going to work. The city of Patos. Workplace near the...

Reference Code I/2-577 Title Greetings to the representatives of Cambodian people Synopsis The flags of the two countries are waived at the Rinas airport. The...

Reference Code I/2-573 Title Fierza resounds Synopsis Mount Kora. Cars passing by. Preparation of mine excavation. Excavator working, machines loaded with soil. River diversion tunnel....

Reference Code I/2-505 Title The monument of nature Synopsis Panoramas of forests and mountains. Rock. Chestnuts of Bajram Curri. Libohove field. The valley. Apollonia. Oak....

Reference Code I/2-502 Title The brigade born in the storm of Synopsis Beqir Balluku, meets with the former partisans of the 2nd attacking brigade. Kico...

Reference Code I/2-427 Title Fine Arts Exhibition Synopsis The exhibition. Tableau: “Party House”. The plaque from the demonstration led by Enver Hoxha in 1941 in...

Reference Code I/2-395 Title New town, new people Synopsis Field panoramas. Placement of mines and a hand that lights the fuse. The three miners Resmi...

Reference Code I/2-390 Title More meat for the people Synopsis A herd of weak cows grazing. A primitive unhygienic hall. Herd of fat cows. The...