83 min

Reference Code I/3-197 Title Spring Didn’t Come Alone Synopsis Irena, a young physicist together with three friends of her, undertakes a very important study away...

Reference Code I/3-175 Title The Invisible World Synopsis Through a simple fable and a psychological drama, the film speaks of the passion, the honesty and...

Reference Code I/3-92 Title The School Synopsis Dafina, an educated young woman, returns in the city to open up the first school for girls. She...

Reference Code I/3-33 Title Operation “Fire” Synopsis A security service employee, Kreshnik Martini, is infiltrated into a gang of agents operating in Albania, and gathers...

Reference Code I/3-19 Title The Guerilla Unit Synopsis World War Second…The Italian espionage agency (SIM) tries to penetrate through Ludovik, into the ranks of the...