Reference Code I/2-1109 Title Examination’s etyd Synopsis Tirana, the student city at night. Student buildings from the outside and inside. The foreign language office, the...

Reference Code I/2-615 Title May concerts of 1976 Synopsis The opera hall. Comrade Enver Hoxha, Mehmet Shehu, and Hysni Kapo. People applaud. Opera orchestra performing,...

Reference Code I/2-605 Title Volunteers in iron industry Synopsis The Metallurgy. Volunteers arriving. Volunteers working. Communist Naun Veko working. Engineer Alex Mero at work. Racing...

Reference Code I/2-538 Title Eternity Synopsis Martyrs’ graves. The statue. Scale. A boy with flowers. Partisan photography. Flowers. Father and son. Party house photo. Enver...

Reference Code I/2-471 Title Korean government delegation in our country Synopsis The plane lands in Rinas airpoirt. Nesti Nase and Thoma Dajlana attending the reception...

Reference Code I/2-393 Title Ping Pong Synopsis The film is dedicated to the friendly match between Albanian and Chinese Ping-Pong players. Interior view of the...

Reference Code I/2-369 Title Session of People’s Assembly Synopsis The People’s Assembly. Deputies talking. Sul Baholli stands out among them. Interior view of the hall....

Reference Code I/2-348 Title Through the timberyards of Mao Ce Dun hydropower station Synopsis Welding and assembly of high voltage poles reaching 45m in height....

Reference Code I/2-337 Title Welders Synopsis The city “Stalin”. Oil wells. Oil tanks. The beginning of the work of the welders. The chimneys of the...

Reference Code I/2-322 Title Another victory of the party and people Synopsis Newspapers announcing the reduction of prices. Groups of people who buy the newspaper....