
Reference Code I/4-95 Title Inspiration Synopsis Screenwriter Bardhyl Fico Director Gëzim Qendro Composer Maksim Shehu Camera Jovan Kondakçiu & Vangjush Valla Animator Gëzim Qendro Editing...

Reference Code I/4-53 Title Not like that, Pik.. Synopsis The film takes its theme from the known fable “The dog end his shadow” and shows...

Reference Code I/4-32 Title Lies are short lived Synopsis A primary school boy comes home unhappy because of a bad mark in his notebook.Buddently the...

Reference Code I/4-15 Title The squirrel helps his friend Synopsis ndj Screenwriter Naum Prifti Director Tonin Vuksani Composer Gjon Simoni Camera Tomi Vaso Animator Tonin...

Reference Code I/4-6 Title Majlinda and the little bird Synopsis On a cold, snowy, winter’s day a little bird, shivering and hungry, flies to the...