Reference Code I/3-247 Title A Beautiful Day Synopsis An Albanian young girl studies canto in Rome. In Italy she has to face many difficulties. Trying...

Reference Code I/2-293 Title We are soldiers, too Synopsis The film begins by showing aspects of the construction work in our country. View from Azotic...

Reference Code I/2-228 Title Higher the red flags Synopsis Young people walking through the streets with flags in their hands. Young people with shovels in...

Reference Code I/1-329 Title Film diary Nr. 36, 1965 Description The 21st anniversary of the liberation of the district of Dibra. Comrade Haxhi Lleshi, Rita...

Reference Code I/2-127 Title Glorious anniversary Synopsis Documentary starts with the Skanderbeg monument in Kruje and with a view of the Kruja’s castle. Vlora is...