Reference Code I/2-1013 Title Until death Hasan Prishtina Synopsis Mountain panoramas, tombstone, sea. The remains of Hasan Prishtina are brought to the homeland by decision...

Reference Code I/2-641 Title The 7-th congress of the Party of Laubor of Albanian Synopsis The publication of the newspaper reporting anout the work of...

Reference Code I/2-249 Title The 500-th anniversary of the national hero Gjergj Kastriot Skenderbe Synopsis The film begins by presenting Kruje, the Skanderbeg monument and...

Reference Code I/2-246 Title One falls, a thousand rise Synopsis The film begins with the construction of the railway. Pal Vata, the father of Shkurta,...

Reference Code I/2-240 Title Unforgettable memories Synopsis The film begins with a landscape of the mountains of Mokre and images of Korce. Comrade Enver Hoxha,...

Reference Code I/1-331 Title Film diary No. 38, 1965 Description In the Palace of Culture. The main thing here is the covering of the external...

Reference Code I/2-174 Title Story about the oilman Synopsis A train passes by, the tank is filled with oil. Mountains and snowy gorges. Geologists climbing...

Reference Code I/2-151 Title Permeti celebrates Synopsis Cars pass across the winding roads of Permet. Comrade E. Hoxha taking part in the 20th anniversary of...

Reference Code I/2-123 Title Meetings in Helsinki Synopsis The crowded streets of Helsinki, children, a painter painting shop windows, girls walking the street. Tall buildings,...

Reference Code I/2-114 Title Glorious jubilee Synopsis The 44th anniversary of the October socialist revolution on November 7. November 8th is the 20th anniversary of...

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