Adriana Elini

Reference Code I/3-97 Title The Quartermaster Synopsis In the heart of winter, an intendant sets out on route to take foodstuffs to the partisan hospital....

Reference Code I/3-31 Title Odyssey of Fans Synopsis The film is a comedy in which a group of sick fans cause much trouble and misunderstanding...

Reference Code I/3-14 Title Variety Show on the Screen Synopsis A cine-show of the actors of the Variety Theatre of Tirana. Awards Cast Skender Sallaku...

Reference Code I/2-956 Title 6th festival of Albanian feature Synopsis Episode from the movie “Who dies on the feet”, the shooting group at work. The...

Reference Code I/2-829 Title Ancient art, young masters Synopsis The city of Shkodra. The street where the various pavilions of the Folk Culture Exhibition are...

Reference Code I/2-811 Title With constructers of Historic National Muzeum Synopsis Center of Tirana, National History Museum under construction. Aspects from the work for the...

Reference Code I/2-738 Title We are the flowers of Party Synopsis View of the Palace of Pioneers in Tirana. Children entering the palace for its...

Reference Code I/2-733 Title To health services Synopsis A pregnant woman being taken to the maternity hospital. The ambulance brought a pregnant woman. View of...

Reference Code I/2-711 Title Mauntainous rest houses Synopsis Tirana from above. Crowded streets. Workers and students who work and learn in different sectors. Buses that...

Reference Code I/2-707 Title The greek poetry Synopsis Writers’ league room. Agim Cerga speaks during the evening dedicated to Greek poetry. Dritero Agolli, Javer Malo...