Adelina Kristuli

Reference Code I/2-557 Title Siren in the brave Mallakastra Synopsis Young men and women dancing and singing. Volunteers of Prrenja meeting with Hysni Kapo and...

Reference Code I/2-457 Title The female worker of the brigade Synopsis Hocisht village. Marike’s house. Marika who cleans the house. Marike’s husband Maxho fixing the...

Reference Code I/2-401 Title Military regulator Synopsis A soldier radiating down an “enemy” sector and disarming it. An officer determining the tasks of moving troops...

Reference Code I/2-374 Title Beware of weapons Synopsis Life in a military ward. Borizan blows the trumpet. The soldiers enter the silos. Soldiers’ beds. Soldiers...

Reference Code I/2-370 Title Castel and waves Synopsis Prologue: The sea seems calm. A castle that beats the waves of the sea. Rocks that are...