Sokrat Musha Koco Tollko, op/zeri

Reference Code I/2-234 Title Writings about Skanderbeg Synopsis Researchers from different backgrounds work to better illuminate the excellent value of our people during the period...

Reference Code I/2-218 Title Son of the party Synopsis On November 17, 1966. Storm, the wind was blowing at 100 km/h. Adem Reka, the captain...

Reference Code I/2-99 Title Eagles’ dance Synopsis Albanian landscapes. A mountaineer imitating an eagle at the top of the rock. Map of the Balkans. Beautiful...

Reference Code I/2-103 Title The green crown Synopsis The film displaying images of the sunrise in the forest. The station in the middle of the...

Reference Code I/2-57 Title In the name of peace and friendship Synopsis Movie begins with some footage from the preparation of the national song and...