Jovan Kondakçiu

Reference Code I/4-143 Title Sa nata dita Synopsis d Screenwriter Kujtim Çashku Director Artur Muharremi Composer Mira Meçule Camera Jovan Kondakçiu Animator Artur Muharremi Editing...

Reference Code I/4-149 Title The chick and his shadow Synopsis A little chick is frightened by his own shadow, which he takes as something horrible,...

Reference Code I/4-138 Title The dream that cannot be killed Synopsis The film is a satire upon militarism as something evil to mankind. The character...

Reference Code I/4-123 Title The leaf Synopsis The self-conceited leaf is very pleased with herself and does her utmost to do away all her other...

Reference Code I/4-124 Title The slogans Synopsis When the Prefect gets up in the morning notes that the city is full with the slogan V.F.L.P....

Reference Code I/4-114 Title Myself Synopsis The character of the film dreams of having merits he doesn’t have. The dreams take him up flying but...

Reference Code I/4-116 Title The portrait Synopsis The anonymous character of the film, conceited and haughty, awards himself with a “brilliant” laureal of glory. He...

Reference Code I/4-117 Title The oak-tree Synopsis A proud oak-tree is wildly hit by strong winds and lightnings till it’s burnt down. But is spite...

Reference Code I/4-118 Title The balance Synopsis Two students are graduated from the university in two different ways: one working hard and the other by...

Reference Code I/4-107 Title Robinson and the rescuers Synopsis p Screenwriter Bardhyl Fico Director Sokol Xhahysa Composer Ferdinand Murati Camera Jovan Kondakçiu Animator Sokol Xhahysa...

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