Diana Diamanti

Reference Code I/2-919 Title Story for the silent play Synopsis The halls where workers, students, intellectuals play the beautiful game of chess. People playing chess...

Reference Code I/2-680 Title Popular medicine Synopsis Panorama of the coast where medicinal plants grow. A young pioneer collecting plants on a coastal slope. The...

Reference Code I/2-654 Title For the land, for the bread Synopsis Tractor drivers working the land. The Hero of the Socialist Work Shyqeri Kanapari driving...

Reference Code I/2-638 Title Valbona Synopsis Mountains. Valbona cataract, flowing. The village of Valbone. The flow of the river near the village. The mouth of...

Reference Code I/2-635 Title Eternal glory the remembrace of comrade Mao Ce Dun Synopsis Newspapers announcing the death of Mao Ce Dun. The condolence telegram...

Reference Code I/2-633 Title Prishtina’s chorus “Kolexhium” Synopsis Members of the choir singing. Conductor Mark Kacinari conducting. The ensemble performing in Durres (synchronized). The ensemble...

Reference Code I/2-632 Title In Llugaj mountainside Synopsis Llugaj village from a distance. Wheat field. Villagers going into action. Women taking children to daycare. Action...

Reference Code I/2-617 Title Children, glass, mud Synopsis Blooming trees. Children holding hands while walking. Children playing with clay. The teacher helping them. Different objects...

Reference Code I/2-491 Title Why do the children cry Synopsis The delivery room and maternity corridor in Tirana. New-born baby crying. Children crying. Why do...

Reference Code I/4-130 Title Lekura e luanit Synopsis d Screenwriter Vllasova Musta Director Gjin Varfi Composer Nina Andoni Camera Diana Diamanti Animator Gjin Varfi Editing...