Asim Raxhimi

Reference Code I/3-75 Title From Amidst the Darkness Synopsis Petriti started as a cleaner in the Interior Ministry. The young man discovers many secrets its...

Reference Code I/3-63 Title The Fall of Idols Synopsis Screening of the novel with the same title. The village teacher faces a fanatical alderman, the...

Reference Code I/3-54 Title The Lady from the City Synopsis Olga’s decision to live with Meli, her daughter working as assistant nurse in the countryside,...

Reference Code I/3-24 Title Lesson for Linda Synopsis It is a cine show subjecting the children, taken from a show of puppets theatre. Awards Cast...

Reference Code I/3-18 Title Songs and Dances from Popular Folklore Synopsis Directed by filmmaker Gëzim Erebara, this black and white musical documentary captures events around...

Reference Code I/3-15 Title The Ambush Synopsis Second World War. A partisan unit is charged with the task to destroy a German auto column of...