Tonin Vuksani

Reference Code I/4-51 Title In the fir-tree forest Synopsis Through the example of two rabbits the film teaches the youngsters that all misfortunes and difficulties...

Reference Code I/4-42 Title The snow man Synopsis Winter. It is snowing heavily and everything shines white. Happy children go skiing and in the end...

Reference Code I/4-36 Title The tail Synopsis Kavia, a little animal without tail, dreams of having a beautiful one. She admires the tail of the...

Reference Code I/4-30 Title The teddy bear looks for his father Synopsis A little teddy-bear has lost himself in the forest. The animals that see...

Reference Code I/4-23 Title The ant and the young plant Synopsis Once upon a time a hardworking and was in danger of being drowned because...

Reference Code I/4-25 Title The ox and the wolf Synopsis Based on a fable, this cartoon centres around the figures of a ravenous and cunning...

Reference Code I/4-16 Title Llustra-llustra Synopsis The film educates children with love of the Homeland.The main hero, Pipiloti, earns his datly bread by shining other...

Reference Code I/4-18 Title The little bear breaks in new land Synopsis One day the animals of the forest headed by the little bear decide...

Reference Code I/4-15 Title The squirrel helps his friend Synopsis ndj Screenwriter Naum Prifti Director Tonin Vuksani Composer Gjon Simoni Camera Tomi Vaso Animator Tonin...