Reference Code I/2-260
Title Mirdita celebrates
Synopsis The film begins with images of the foggy Mountains. A beautiful valley. Enver Hoxhe’s car accompanied by Pjeter Froku. Enver meets local authorities. Pioneers give bouquets of flowers. Visiting the copper beneficiation factory of Rubik. Enveri talks to two workers. Enveri reaches Rreshen. He meets Bardhok Bibe and visits his house. Hugging Marie, Bardhok Bibe’s daughter. An excited Enver observe the photo he gave to Maria when she was a child. Enver presents her with his first work. Enveri visits the house of martyr Preng Pal Cara. Enver Hoxha places wreaths on the graves of Bardhok Bibe and Pal Melyshi. Placing bunches of flowers on the grave of Ndrec Ndue Gjoke. He visits the museum of Ndrec Ndue Gjokes and writes in the book of impressions. A beautiful mountain panorama. Enver Hoxha pays tribute to the graves of the two heroine sisters Marta and Prenda Tarazhi. Kurbneshi. Copper beneficiation plant. He meets with the leaders of Mirdita’s party. Visiting the copper beneficiation factory. Festive dance. Waiting and talking. Enver Hoxha addresses the public . Big crowd of people. Enveri meets the heroine Shkurte Cara’s mother. Enveri pays a visit to the cooperative Dede Mark Prenga in the village of Perlat. Enveri talks with the members of the agricultural cooperative of Perlat. Big rally in Rreshen. The first secretary of Mirdita’s party, Hysen Avdyli, leads the rally. Enver Hoxha speaks. On Enver Hoxhe’s visit to Mirdite on May 27, 1968.
Scriptwriter A. Simitxhiu
Composer Ismail Balla
Camera Niko Theodhosi Sokrat Musha Xhevat Behri, op.zeri
Editing Vitori Celi
Category Documentaries
Year 1968
Release date 1968
Reels 3
Lenght (in minutes) 19
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit