Reference Code I/2-811
Title With constructers of Historic National Muzeum
Synopsis Center of Tirana, National History Museum under construction. Aspects from the work for the architectural cladding of the building. Stonemasons, works on stairs and walls. Sculptor Muntaz Dhrami working on the statue of Comrade Enver. Hall of Antiquity. Archaeologist Skender Anamala consults with architect Nina Metrojorgji. View from the work of the relic restorers. Ancient paintings are placed on the rock. View of fragments from ancient mosaics. Stylized iron works. Assembly of ceilings by the assembly brigade of the “Dajti” plant. In the hall of our national hero, his bronze statue, the work of the sculptor Odise Paskali, will be placed. Painter Fatmir Haxhiu working. I studied where the photos are reproduced. The Renaissance Hall, aspects of the work for its decoration. Chemical laboratory where relics are processed. Hall of the epic of the National Liberation War. Veteran Andon Decka helps historians. Painters Sali Shijaku and Myrteza Fyshekati working on wall paintings. History researchers Xhemil Frasheri and Kleanthi Zoto preparing materials for the halls of the socialist era. View from the assembly of this hall. Photo of the first years after liberation. Photos from party congresses. View from the work for the facade mosaic work.
Director Adriana Elini
Composer Mira Mecule
Camera Ferdinad Karuni
Editing Adriana Elini
Sound Luiza Metaraku
Category Documentaries
Year 1981
Release date 1981
Reels 1
Lenght (in minutes) 10min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit