Reference Code I/2-337
Title Welders
Synopsis The city “Stalin”. Oil wells. Oil tanks. The beginning of the work of the welders. The chimneys of the oil refinery. The work for the welding of wide pipes. The welder’s brigadier, Comrade Vasil Prinjari,. Vasili checks the work of his friends and gives them instructions. A female welder working. The welders put their initials on the object to share personal responsibility. The work of the welders for professional and educational advancement. Teaching in classroom. Welders studying in the city library. Brigadier Vasili has his son a welder and workmate. Talking at home about the welding work. When the need arises, Vasili goes to the ward at night. Welders working at night to weld a column for the oil refinery in Cerrik. The column ends and they load it into the car. The oil refinery in Cerrik. The work for the installation of the column of the oil refinery in Cerrik. The film is dedicated to the welders and equipment of the oil industry.
Scriptwriter Faslli Cuka
Director Saimir Kumbaro
Composer M. Dautaj
Camera Pashko Como
Editing Adriana Elini
Sound Xhevat Behri
Category Documentaries
Year 1970
Release date 1970
Reels 1
Lenght (in minutes) 7
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Cerrik
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit