Reference Code I/2-532
Title Welcome freedom fighters.
Synopsis The Vietnamese delegation headed by the chairman of the presidium Ngujen Hun Tho arrives in Rinas. Haxhi Lleshi, Mehmet Shehu, Hysni Kapo, Ramiz Alia, Adil Carcani, Manush Myftiu, and Xhaferr Spahiu welcome the delegation. Pioneers giving flowers, people applaud. Parading. Mehmet Shehu, Ngujen Hu Tho, and Haxhi Lleshi. Foreign friends applauding. Reception of the employees of the capital. People welcome the chairman of the presidium. Car driving in the centre of Tirana. The first meeting at the presidium of the People’s Assembly. Comrades Haxhi Lleshi and Rita Marko welcome the delegation. Visiting the house museum of the party. Accompanied by Rita Marko. The room where the party was founded. They visit the museum. Friends place wreaths at the cemeteries of the martyrs. Comrades paying respects to the tombstone. Comrade Enver Hoxha welcoming friends. Mehmet Shehu, Hysni Kapo, Ramiz Alia and Petro Dode attend the event. Conversations and hugs. Visiting the “Tractor” factory. They visit the factory accompanied by Rita Marko and Gj Keci,. Warmly welcome from the workers. The “Tractor” plant. A very warm welcome in Durres. Visiting the port of Durres and the ship “Skenderbeu”, accompanied by Haxhi Lleshi and Iliaz Reka, Visiting the agricultural enterprise November 8. Visiting the heated greenhouses. Nguyen Hun Tho is accompanied by Haxhi Lleshi Rally in honour of friends. Ndreci Plasari speaks. Nguyen Hun Tho speaks. The departure of the delegation from Rinas airport. Accompanied by Mehmet Shehu, Haxhi Lleshi, Manush Myftiu, Ramiz Alia, and Rita Marko.
Scriptwriter Kolec Traboini
Director Shkelzen Shala
Composer Mira Mamaqi
Camera Rakip Zeneli Niko Theodhosi
Editing Nazmie Sula
Category Documentaries
Year 1974
Release date 1974
Reels 1
Lenght (in minutes) 13,17 min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit