Reference Code I/2-272
Title We denunce the aggressive treaty of Varsaw
Synopsis The film begins by showing the hall where the sixth session of the sixth legislature of the People’s Assembly met. The Political Bureau and Comrades Xhevahir Spahiu and Haxhi Lleshi attend the event. The meeting is opened by the chairman of the People’s Assembly Abdyl Kellezi, who gives the floor to comrade Mehmet Shehu (synchronized). Comrade Fadil Pacrami speaks. Deputies discuss: Beqir Balluku, Kadri Azbiu, Jashar Menzelxhiu, Telo Mezini, Rita Marko, Xhevair Spahiu, A. Mero etc. Various work centres where the decision of the People’s Assembly about the denunciation of the Warsaw Treaty by the People’s Republic of Albania is read. The working collectives of our country unanimously approve this great decision. There are meetings in factories, various military departments, factories, etc. The decision has evoked a great echo in the international arena . Telegram from Comrade Mao Zedong, Lin Biao and Cun En Lai to Comrade Enver Hoxha and Comrade Mehmet Shehu strongly supporting the heroic act of the Albanian people for denouncing the Warsaw Treaty and expressing their determination to support the Party, the government and our people in every circumstance. The telegram is read at various production centres, army and agricultural cooperatives. Skanderbeg Square, where a large meeting of Albanian-Chinese friendship association was organized in front of the Palace of Culture. Comrades Manush Muftiu, Abdyl Kellezi, Fadil Pacrami, etc. take part in the meeting. Comrade Manush Muftiu speaks. The crowded square is silent from cheers. A message addressed to the Chinese Embassy in Tirana was approved at the meeting. The message is read by Vangje Mehilli, head of the Political Bureau of Tirana. After the rally, Comrade Manush Muftiu, etc. followed by the rally participants reach the Chinese Embassy to send the message. The main boulevard resemble to a sea full of people. Comrade Manush Muftiu speaks at the Chinese Embassy and delivers the message to the charge d’affaires of the People’s Republic of China , Li Tin Cuan. The film ends with spectacle of fireworks organized on the occasion of the end of the sixth session of the sixth legislature of the People’s Assembly. The leaders of the Party and the government headed by Comrade Enver Hoxha. About the denunciation of the aggressive Pact of Warsaw.
Scriptwriter Sokrat Musha
Director Endri Keko
Composer Donika Muci
Camera Niko Theodhosi Sokrat Musha Agim Fortuzi Pashko Como Hamdi Ferhati Dhimiter Lala
Editing M Vila
Sound Xhevat Behri
Category Documentaries
Year 1968
Release date 1968
Reels 3
Lenght (in minutes) 19
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit