Reference Code I/3-179
Title Wax Shirts
Synopsis It is the period of the Albanian renaissance. Jano Zefi is the chief outlaw who has lost two of his dearest people, his wife and child. After this great loss he is at the crossroads: to continue or abandon the armed resistance? During the film we get to know the broad world of Jano who protects the ordinary children taken as soldiers by the Turkish occupiers.
Cast Zef Bushati Ilia Shyti Piro Malaveci Ahmet Pasha Pandi Siku Mariana Kondi Artur Gorishti Ndrek Shkjezi Spiro Petromilo
Screenwriter Gaqo Bushaka
Director Besim Kurti
Composer Aleksander Gashi
Camera Pellumb Panariti, Lionel Konomi
Designer Kleo Nini
Editing Elda Xholi
Sound Ilir Gjata
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1987
Release date 26 nentor 1987
Reels 8
Lenght (in minutes) 71 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations jug
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Sipas romanit “Guna e zeze”, i Gaqo Bushakes.
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit