Reference Code I/2-327
Title Warmly greetings to the Chinese people
Synopsis The film is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the declaration of the People’s Republic of China on October 1. The Chinese photo exhibition is organized on this occasion. Visitors images. Portrait of Mao Zedong. Friends gatherings in different work centres. At the Josif Pashko factory. The meeting at the Laknas agricultural cooperative (Tirana). The assembly at the tractor factory. Pilo Peristeri takes part in the event. The president of P.B of the Harillo plant speaks. A Chinese man speaks. The Ministry of Education, the community for cultural relations and Cine-studio organize a film screenings event where Fadil Pacrami, Reiz Malile, Mantho Bala and the ambassador of China Gen Bjao, Misto Treska and Th. Deljana participate. A solemn evening is organized where: Mehmet Shehu, Hysni Kapo, Spiro Koleka, Ramiz Alia, Manush Myftiu, Beqir Balluku, A. Kellezi, Adil Carcani, Nesti Nase, Thoma Dejlana, Kahreman Ylli take part. The meeting is opened by Manush Muftiu. A. Kellezi speaks, Pilo Peristeri, Vito Kapo, Nexhmije Hoxha, Agim Mero, Sterjo Spase. Chinese ambassador Gen Biao speaks. Sami Baholli. Chinese Ambassador Gen Bjao gives a reception attended by Enver Hoxha (hugging Gen Bjao), Haxhi Lleshi, Mehmet Shehu, Hysni Kapo, Fiqirete Shehu, Vito Kapo, Shenazi Dragoti, and Myslym Peza. Ambassador Gen Biao speaks. Rexhep Kolli. Mehmet Shehu exchanging views. Sadik Bocaj, Beqir Balluku, Pirro Kondi, Myqerem Fuga, Jorgji Permeti. Enver Hoxha raises a toast with Gen Bjao.
Scriptwriter Kujtim Gjonaj
Composer Nina Harito
Camera Niko Theodhosi Pashko Como
Editing Marianthi Xhako
Category Documentaries
Year 1969
Release date 1969
Reels 1
Lenght (in minutes) 10
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit