Reference Code | I/3-62 |
Title | War Sounds |
Synopsis | Bardhi, the orphaned boy, travels to town. He is hired by the rich family of Galip Shkëmbi, who has a son, Nardi. Eqerem, the violin teacher, pays frequent visits to the rich merchant’s house where he gives private lessons to his son. Eqerem discovers Bardhi’s talent. Aided by Eqerem, Bardhi learns to play the violin, and engage in the first actions against the fascists. |
Awards | |
Cast | Ndrek Luca Reshat Arbana Sulejman Pitarka Antoneta Papapavli Sokol Goxhi Rubin Pitarka Anila Kardhashi |
Screenwriter | Flamur Topi |
Scriptwriter | |
Director | Xhanfise Keko |
Composer | Tish Daija |
Camera | Petraq Lubonja |
Designer | Astrit Tota |
Editing | Shpresa Papapavllo |
Sound | Koco Tollko |
Cathegory | Feature Film |
Chroma | |
Year | 1976 |
Release date | 7 mars 1977, Tirane |
Reels | 10 |
Lenght (in minutes) | 81 min |
Country of origin | |
Shooting locations | Durres |
Producers | Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re” |
Notes | Diskutohet ne mbledhjen e Redaksise te dt. 11. 03. 1976 skenari “Lufte dhe tinguj”. recanca Luan Rama. Diskutojne Natasha Lako, Kolec Traboini, Luan Dibra, Peci Dado, Xhanfise Keko, Flamur Topi, Kristo Jorgji. Skenari vleresohet, por ka nevoje per shkurtime e plotesime. Diskutimi i filmit ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 27. 11. 1976. Diskutojne Skender Milori, Vath Koreshi, Shpresa Vreto, llazar Siliqi, Tomi Mrece, Angjelina Xhara, Krisanthi Kotmilo, Viktor Gjika, Piro Milkani, Dhimiter Anagnosti, Limoz Dizdari, Vangjush Zallemi. Filmi vleresohet me disa verejtje dhe sugjerime. |
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