Reference Code | I/3-14 |
Title | Variety Show on the Screen |
Synopsis | A cine-show of the actors of the Variety Theatre of Tirana. |
Awards | |
Cast | Skender Sallaku Melpomeni Cobani Mihal Popi Tano Banushi Vace Zela |
Screenwriter | |
Scriptwriter | |
Director | Fehmi Hoshafi |
Composer | |
Camera | Sokrat Musha |
Designer | Llambi Blido |
Editing | Adriana Elini |
Sound | Vangjel Leka |
Cathegory | Feature Film |
Chroma | |
Year | 1968 |
Release date | 30 gusht Tirane |
Reels | 6 |
Lenght (in minutes) | 67 min |
Country of origin | |
Shooting locations | TiraneShkoder |
Producers | Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re” |
Notes | |
© Copyright | Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit |
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