Reference Code I/3-235
Title Toy Bullet
Synopsis By introducing commercialism into the art and ideology the world is each day committing suicide. The film portrays the effects of post-communist gun culture on the mind of a young boy. A child exposed to the aggressiveness of the mass media and the society, changes gradually from an innocent being into a killer. The film makes the accusation that it is us, the parent and the society, who are the real killers.
Cast Ndricim Xhepa Vivjan Rama Monika Lubonja Tinka Kurti Mehdi Malkaj Nikoleta Lipivani Gjoslin Rama
Screenwriter Petrit Ruka Artan Minarolli
Director Petrit Ruka Artan Minarolli
Camera Mihal Rama
Designer Shyqyri Sako
Editing Neriman Furxhiu
Sound Ilir Gjata
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1994
Release date 1994
Reels 7
Lenght (in minutes) 62 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Albafilm Studio
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit