Reference Code I/2-1122
Title To protect the achived vistories
Synopsis Panorama of the city of Fier. On May 4, Ramiz Alia visiting Fier. In his first meeting with the cadres of the Party of the district, the first secretary of the Party of Fier, Halil Haska, gave the keynote address. Ramiz Alia speaks synchronously. View of the hall and the participants taking notes. Ramiz Alia visiting the nitrate-ammonium plant “Gogo Nushi”. Factory Rescue Emini. Applause and ovations. Ramiz Alise’s departure from the factory. (197.10m Panorama of Vlora. Martyrs’ Day which is celebrated by all people. Commemorating the martyrs. Drashovica monument and commemorative plaques. Ramiz Alia puts a wreath of flowers, greets and honors the young. Ramiz Alia visiting Kuc where a big rally is organized. The opening speech is given by the first secretary of the Vlora district, Faik Cinaj. Ramiz Alia speaks amid applause and ovations. His meeting with people. Leaving Kuci. Film dedicated to the visit of Ramiz Alia in the districts of Fier and Vlora.
Screenwriter Halil Kamberi
Director Halil Kamberi
Composer Majlida Seiti
Camera Saim Kokona Rudolf Radovani
Editing Zhaneta Kosturi
Sound Luiza Mataraku
Category Documentaries
Year 1989
Release date 1989
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 12 min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Vlore;Fier
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit