Reference Code | I/2-34 |
Title | The voice of the Albanian people |
Synopsis | The film begins with a briefing of the meeting of the World Peace Council in Vienna. Articles in newspapers. The appeal of the World Peace Council. The Albanian Committee for the Protection of Peace meets to examine the appeal of the World Peace Council on the re-militarism of Germany and on the preparation of an atomic war by the imperialist circles. The meeting is declared open by the chairman of the committee, comrade Medar Pillar. The members speeches are accompanied by documents showing the destructive effect that the war in Albania and Korea caused. Colonel Paparisto, Doctors Meri Gusho and Isuf Alibale addressing the public. Atomic power plant in Soviet Union. The meeting approved the appeal unanimously. Committee members signing the appeal of the World Peace Council. The heros Ndreko Nakuci and Veli Allibej signing the appeal in the city of Stalin . The “Enver” hydropower plant and the cement factory workers. The Mborje – Drenove mine. The crew of the “warrior” ship signing the appeal. Ordinary people signing the appeal city. Tace Cunge whose son and 12 relatives were massacred signs the appeal. Artists signing the appeal, Writer Zihni Sako, Professor Aleksander Xhuvani. Doctor Xhavit Gjata, writer Shiroka, Bozo, Glozheni and a mother with a small child (Vito Hanxhari) affected by the devastating effects of the war. The costumer border officers signing the appeal. |
Awards | |
Screenwriter | |
Scriptwriter | Shkelzen Shala |
Director | Endri Keko |
Composer | |
Camera | Mandi Koci Jani Nano Sokrat Musha Agim Fortuzi Hamdi Ferhati |
Designer | |
Editing | |
Sound | |
Category | Documentaries |
Chroma | |
Year | 1955 |
Release date | 1955 |
Reels | 1 |
Lenght (in minutes) | 10 |
Country of origin | Shqiperi |
Shooting locations | |
Producers | |
Notes | |
© Copyright | Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit |
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