Reference Code | I/2-1038 |
Title | The vet of Alps |
Synopsis | Panorama of the Alps in the area of Tropoje. Aspects of Filip Meshi’s life, work and life in the deep mountain areas. In the stables of the cooperative. He is always on top of the task. Filip Meshi also works in the laboratory, a scientific work, he has defended the title “Candidates of Sciences”. (212.3m) Lekbibaj, his hometown. Filipi meets his fellow villagers. Panorama of the beshke. his assistant. For his good work, he was elected deputy in the People’s Assembly. After the meeting, he goes to meet his son, who is a student at the Faculty of Medicine. Again, Filip Meshi returns to work, to his people and fellow villagers. (110.8m) This documentary film is dedicated to the veterinarian from Lekbibaj, Filip Mesha. |
Awards | |
Screenwriter | Fatbardha Demi |
Scriptwriter | |
Director | Gjovalin Hajati |
Composer | Majlinda Berxolli |
Camera | Rudolf Radovani |
Designer | |
Editing | Arta Kote |
Sound | Luiza Osmanlliu |
Category | Documentaries |
Chroma | |
Year | 1988 |
Release date | 1988 |
Reels | 2 |
Lenght (in minutes) | 11min |
Country of origin | Shqiperi |
Shooting locations | Kooperativa e Bujanit Tropoje. |
Producers | Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re” |
Notes | |
© Copyright | Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit |
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