Reference Code I/3-21
Title The Trace
Synopsis Doctor Artani works in a mountain saw-yard. He is a talented physician but he detaches himself from the people life and gets empoisoned with the foreign micro-bourgeois concepts. His friends as: dr. Agim and prof. Tahsim and his family, wife and mother in low, are against his concepts. In tragic circumstances he commits suicide.
Cast Naim Frasheri, Margarita Xhepa, Demir Hyskja, Pjeter Gjoka, Ndrek Luca, Zejnullah Hatibi, Edi Luarasi, Sander Prosi, Violeta Manushi, Andon Qesari, Shkelqim Basha, Reshat Arbana, Bujar Kapexhiu.
Screenwriter Peci Dado, Kristaq Dhamo
Director Kristaq Dhamo
Composer Kozma Lara
Camera Petraq Lubonja
Designer Azis Karalliu
Editing Marika Vila
Sound Koco Tollko
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1970
Release date 1970
Reels 11
Lenght (in minutes) 99 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Veri, Fushe-Arrez
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Filmi nuk ka qarkulluar per nje periudhe te gjate sepse ka qene i censuruar per shkak te pjesemarrjes se aktores Edi Luarasi.
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit