Reference Code | I/3-4 |
Title | The Tempest |
Synopsis | Second World War. Zana and Beni pass though difficult situations as illegals in the city, than in prison. Their war actions bring several reactions to advocate Eshtrefi, collaborator of the invadres, and to Shpresa and Vasili two young antifascists. Zana and Beni that fall in love with each other. During the film are given scenes from English and Soviet missions. |
Awards | |
Cast | Naim Frasheri Mario Ashiku Arjanda Shengellaja Pjeter Gjoka Lazer Filipi Vangjel Heba Filika Dhimo Nikollaj Gricenko Loro Kovaci Sulejman Pitarka Mihal Popi Seit Boshnjaku Kadri Roshi Liza Vorfi |
Screenwriter | Fatmir Gjata, Juri Ozerov, Llazar Siliqi, Kristaq Dhamo |
Scriptwriter | |
Director | Juri Ozerov, Kristaq Dhamo |
Composer | G Popov Cesk Zadeja |
Camera | S. Pollujanov, Sokrat Musha, S. Cernik |
Designer | A Mjagkov |
Editing | E. Karpova |
Sound | |
Cathegory | Feature Film |
Chroma | |
Year | 1959 |
Release date | 27 nentor 1959 |
Reels | 10 |
Lenght (in minutes) | 100 min |
Country of origin | |
Shooting locations | BRSS, Shqiperi |
Producers | Moskfilm, Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re” |
Notes | |
© Copyright | Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit |
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