Reference Code I/2-816
Title The students’ city
Synopsis The center of Tirana. Students going to N.U.T. Panorama of the city of Student. View of buildings and streets of the city. Radio “Student” starts broadcasting. City streets still empty. Preparing girls to go to college. The streets of the city are crowded with students. Boys in their rooms getting ready. The faculty auditorium. Cabinets of foreign languages. View of the city. The rooms and their facilities. A sick student who visits the city ambulance. The town postman delivering letters. Food preparation. The kitchen and dining room. Student eating. The library room where they study. Libraries full of books. The student library. (282.30m) Student doing the internship at the nuclear research institute. The hydrology cabinet. The electrical cabinet. Student operating the apparatus. The lecture hall at the Faculty of Medicine. View of an operating room. Group of students going to the “Enver Hoxha” factory. The melting furnaces. The teacher explaining. Students doing sports. Photo of the Student team with the Kosovar team. Moments from the Studenti – Partizani basketball game. The editorial office of the “Student” newspaper. Creative discussions. Student buildings at night. Students’ cultural activities. Evening dancing. The student body discussing about the project of constructing new buildings in the Student City. At night. Sleeping students. The “Student” town is full of female students. (268.60m)
Screenwriter Angjelina Xhara
Director Donika Muci
Camera Ferdinad Karuni Luiza Matraku, op/zeri
Editing Veronika Coku
Sound Luiza Mataraku
Category Documentaries
Year 1981
Release date 1981
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 19min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit