Reference Code I/2-454
Title The story of the sawyer
Synopsis The centuries-old forests of Puke. Electric chainsaw cutting pine trees, radiating to the ground. Cutting with axes. Pine logs fall and scatter across the river. The town of sawyers. Logs being transported by cable car. A young man starts work for the first time. Sawyers keep him close and help him. Working aspects of self-loading log tractors. A beautiful waterfall. The sawyers arrive in the village and watch a show in the cinema. Sawyers eating dinner. The young sawyer in his bedroom. He starts reading a book. View of a forest. Chainsaws cutting pine trees. Tractor pulling logs. The cable car transports logs. Young sawyer learning the sawyer’s trade. Self-loading tractor. Young sawyer cutting pine trees with a chainsaw. Trucks are loaded with logs to take to all parts of the country. Mining gallery placing logs cut by sawmills. Train transvers cut by saws. The new buildings, where the workers are installing windows prepared from the wood cut by sawmills. Didactic film.
Screenwriter Vito Koci
Director K Jorgji
Camera Rakip Zeneli
Editing Elpiniqi Coje
Sound A Osmanlliu
Category Documentaries
Year 1972
Release date 1972
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 16
Country of origin Shqiperia
Shooting locations Puke;
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit