Reference Code I/3-92
Title The School
Synopsis Dafina, an educated young woman, returns in the city to open up the first school for girls. She runs into obstacles and intrigues hatched up by the Head of Sandjak who seeks ways to drive her out of town. Keen on obstructing her sincere efforts for the establishment of the school, the clergy plans to excommunicate and poison Dafina. The school is burned down. Her uncle, Stefan Bardhi, the outlaw Kajo, and the couple hosting her, assist Dafina.
Awards Roza Anagnosti merr kupen e Festivalit IV te Filmit Artistik Shqiptar per rolin e mesueses. Piktori dhe piktori i kostumeve Shyqyri Sako e Ilia Xhokaxhi nderohen me medalionin e Festivalit 1981. Guljel Radoja per rolin e Stefan Bardhit dhe Robert Ndrenika per rolon e Kockes nderohen me medaljonin e festivalit te IV te Filmit Artistik Shqiptar 1981
Cast Roza Anagnosti, Guljelm Radoja, Robert Ndrenika, Ardian Cerga, Petrika Riza, Valentina Caci, Thimi Filipi, Marko Bitraku, Dhimiter Trajce, Selma Sotirllari, Ema Shteto, Fabjola Karapici.
Screenwriter Natasha Lako
Director Muharrem Fejzo
Composer Limoz Dizdari
Camera Ilia Terpini
Designer Shyqyri Sako
Editing Krisanthi Kotmilo
Sound Gezim Sula
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1979
Release date 7 mars 1980, Tirane
Reels 10
Lenght (in minutes) 83 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Korce
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Diskutohet ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 20. 11. 1978 skenari “Nje dite dhe njeqind vjet”. Recenca Angjelina Xhara, Shpresa Vreto. Diskutojne Vath Koreshi, Dhimiter Xhuvani, Faruk Basha, Xhanfise Keko, Marianthi Xhako, Vangjush Zallemi. Skenari vleresohet nga te gjithe per frymen politike origjinaliteti i saj. Duhen mbajtur parasysh edhe verejtjet e bera. Diskutimi i filmit ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 21. 12. 1979. Diskutojne Xhanfise Keko, Vitori Celi, Marianthi Xhako, Angjelina Xhara, Piro Milkani, Halil Kamberi, Vangjush Zallemi, Dhimiter Anagnosti, Vitori Celi, Kristaq Dhamo, Vath Koreshi, Vangjush Zallemi, Todi Bozo. Filmi vleresohet , por njekohosisht duhet mbajtur parasysh edhe disa verejtje dhe sugjerime te bera. Diskutmi i filmit ne dt. 25. 12. 1979
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit