Reference Code I/3-233
Title The Raper
Synopsis Nobody knows who the father of her child is. She is walking with an old friend in the suburbs of the town and they rape her. The rapist seen among a group of motorcyclists disappear later on. Her rape had a profound phsychological effect on her. Where as her first young boyfriend discovered who the raper was.
Cast Eva Alikaj Timo Flloko Ndricim Xhepa Monika Lubonja Sheri Mita Egyst Islami
Screenwriter Nexhati Tafa
Director Spartak Pecani
Composer Ardit Gjebrea
Camera Leonard Qendro, Pellumb Panariti
Designer Shyqyri Sako
Editing Nazmie Gazheli
Sound Ilir Gjata
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1994
Release date 5 mars 1995, ne Pallatin e Kongreseve, Tirane
Reels 9
Lenght (in minutes) 71 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Tirane
Producers Albafilm Studio
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit