Reference Code I/3-97
Title The Quartermaster
Synopsis In the heart of winter, an intendant sets out on route to take foodstuffs to the partisan hospital. He runs into Germans’ patrols now and then, and decides to leave the stuff in Salo’s shop. Upon his return to the shop, Salo tells him that the foodstuffs were taken away by the Ballists. The intendant seeks the assistance of the antifascist council to find out who had taken the foodstuffs, and he identifies enemy collaborators.
Cast Fitim Makashi, Admir Gjyzeli, Reshat Arbana, Lutfi Hoxha, Ilia Shyti, Petraq Xhillari, Pellumb Dervishi, Qemal Mehmeti, Ali Bega, Bilbil Kasmi.
Screenwriter Sabri Godo
Director Xhezair Dafa
Composer Kozma Laro
Camera Aleksander Kasneci, Niko Treni
Designer Lirim Mulosmai
Editing Adriana Elini
Sound Lirim Mulosmani
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1980
Release date 1 Qershor1981, Tirane
Reels 6
Lenght (in minutes) 48 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Vlore
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit