Reference Code I/2-801
Title The life of a patriot
Synopsis Winter of 1925. Noli sends a letter to Luigj Gurakuqi in Bari where he writes about continuing the fight against Zogu. Shkodra in 1879 when Luigj Gurakuqi was born. Photos of the city, graphics and drawings of warriors, the ancient castle. Photo of the hero’s mother. His house, rooms. Luigji goes to Calabria to continue his schooling. There he gets to know the literary heritage of De Rade, the language and traditions of Arberesh. College of Saint Dhimiter Korone. Acquaintance with the poet’s correspondence. Luigj Gurakuqi goes to Naples to continue his studies. There he started writing patriotic and democratic poems . Newspapers and magazines where he publishes. The poem “Spring”. He maintains correspondence with prominent patriots: the Frasheri brothers, Bajram Currin, Filip Shiroken, and Asdren, etc. He returns to Shkoder. The authorities want to condemn him for patriotic activity. He starts writing poems and small prose for education. (276.8m) Luigji leads a call for the humanization of the alphabet of the Albanian language. Noli supports this call. At the congress of Manastir in 1908 Luigji was elected its vice-president. The Normal School of Elbasan was opened in 1909, and Luigj Gurakuqi was appointed as director. The first photos of the school, the student and the teacher. Young Turks close the school. Luigji joins the rebel forces. Photo of Ismail Qemali and Hasan Prishtina. Photo of the fighters of Kosovo. Facsimile of letters and articles against the “Balkan Pact”. Year 1912 – declaration of Independence. Ismail Qemali among the patriots Raising the flag. Luigj Gurakuqi is elected secretary general of the National Assembly. The first government of Vlora, facsimile of its documents. Luigji is charged with the duty of the Minister of Education. His meetings with Isa Boletini and Bajram Curri. They oppose the London conference. Photos of female fighters in battle. Luigj among the warriors. The Montenegrin army demands the surrender of Shkodra. (277.5m) First World War. His photo, memories of his efforts. Luigji with Ndre Mjeden. With other patriots, he founded the “Literary Commission” in Shkoder. Paris. In 1919, he took part in the Peace Conference where he defended the issue of Albania. In 1921, he became a member of parliament where he fought against the reactionary forces of Ahmet Zogut. His bankruptcies in defense of Kosovo. His articles in newspapers. Photo of democratic deputies. Members of parliament, opposition forces stand up against poverty and misery. Noli’s photo. Ahmet Zogu kills Avni Rustemi. Luigji expresses deep pain. The opposition outlaws Zogu’s reactionary government. B. Curri among the fighters. Luigj Gurakuqi was appointed Minister of Finance in the first democratic government of the democratic- bourgeois revolution of June. Facsimile of his letters and speeches. His speeches in Geneve, in the United Nations. The revolution is crushed. The bloody hand of Ahmet Zog kills the great patriot in Bari in March 1925. Photo of the funeral ceremony. The ceremony of bringing his remains to Shkoder 1975. Comrade Hysni Kapo carrying the coffin. Bust of Luigj Gurakuqi. (264.0m)
Screenwriter Muharrem Skenderi
Director Halil Kamberi
Composer Mira Mecule
Camera Gavrosh Haxhihyseni
Editing Atalanta Pasko
Sound Abdulla Osmanlliu
Category Documentaries
Year 1981
Release date 1981
Reels 3
Lenght (in minutes) 27min
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Shqiperi;Kalabri;Kosove
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit