Reference Code I/3-57
Title The Forest of Freedom
Synopsis War years. Vlash Zaka earns his living by capturing wild horses. His brother, who is a partisan, has killed a spy in the pay of the Italians. Hence, Vlash is also under round-the-clock surveillance. The spy, Lami and the merchant Ibrahim beu, who collect the wild horses, closely watch Vlash. But uncle Kovi, Thimi and Lena help him. Vlash and Lena become partisans.
Awards Skenaristi Kico Blushi fiton cmimin e trete ne Konkursin Kombetar te Dramaturgjise. Fehim Ibrahimi merr cmim te vecante per muziken ne Festivalin e II-te te Filmit Shqiptar, prill 1977
Cast Alfred Bualioti Reshat Arbana Margarita Xhepa Dhimitra Plasari Ndrek Luca Minella Borova Demir Hyskja Lutfi Hoxha Llazer Filipi Andon Qesari
Screenwriter Kico Blushi
Director Gezim Erebara
Composer Fehim Ibrahimi
Camera Saim Kokona
Designer Kleo Nini
Editing Atalanta Pasko
Sound Xhevat Behri
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1976
Release date 30 tetor, Tirane
Reels 9
Lenght (in minutes) 79 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations Divjak, Lushnje
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Skenari eshte shkruar sipas motiveve te tregimit “Njeriu qe ndiqte kuajt” te Naum Priftit. Ne xhirimin e filmit ndihmuan kooperativistet e Divjakes. Diskutimi i filmit ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 11. 10. 1976. Diskutojne Llazar Siliqi, Angjelina Xhara, Vath Koreshi, Faruk Basha, Krisanthi Kotmilo, Limoz Dizdari, Halil Kamberi, Piro Milkani, Xhanfise Keko, Ilir Gjata, Vitori Celi, Kico Blushi, Gezim Erebara, Vangjush Zallemi. Filmi vleresohet me disa verejtje per plotesim. Diskutimi i filmit me shoket e Ministrise se Kultures dhe Aparatit te KQPPSH me dt. 12. 10. 1976. Diskutojne Gjergji Pano, Krisanthi Kotmilo, Jakup Mato, Cajup Rusmali, Raqi Madhi, Tahsim Hoshafi, Anastas Kondo, Vangjush Zallemi. Filmi vleresohet te mbahen parasysh verejtjet.
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