Reference Code I/3-63
Title The Fall of Idols
Synopsis Screening of the novel with the same title. The village teacher faces a fanatical alderman, the priest Engjëll and a police captain who are raising many obstacles in his work to eduate children. Poor highlanders are reluctant, as they have been forced to surrender to beliefs and corrupted power. The alderman and captain hatch up plans to kill the teacher.
Cast Llazi Serbo, Genc Metohu Luan Qerimi Lazer Filipi Serafin Fanku Kadri Roshi Robert Ndrenika Ferdinand Radi Cesk Vuksani Lec Bushati Rudina Rjolli Guljelm Radoja, Sali Doci Fiqirete Basha Veli Radi
Screenwriter Skender Drini
Director Piro Milkani
Composer Fehim Ibrahimi
Camera Saim Kokona
Designer Arben Basha
Editing Donika Muci
Sound Asim Raxhimi
Cathegory Feature Film
Year 1977
Release date 28 gusht 1977, Tirane
Reels 10
Lenght (in minutes) 90 min
Country of origin
Shooting locations veri
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
Notes Diskutohet skenari i filmit ne mbledhjen e Keshillit Artistik te dt. 16. 08. 1976. Recenca Vath Koreshi, Vangjel Liza, Azis Karalliu (e lexon Bashkim Hoxha). Diskutojne Endri Keko, Llazar Siliqi, Shpresa Vreto, Viktor Gjika, Natasha Lako, Halil Kamberi, Krisanthi Kotmilo, Peci Dado, Skender Drini, Vangjush Zallemi. Skenari vleresohet, por ka nevoje per plotesime e shkurtime. Diskutimi i filmit ne Keshillin Artistik te dt. 11. 07. 1977. Diskutojne Niko Koleka, Dhimiter Xhuvani, Halil Kamberi, Vath Koreshi, Viktor Gjika, Vangjush Zallemi. Filmi vleresohet pozitivisht me disa sugjerime. Diskutimi i filmit ne mbledhjen e dt. 13. 07. 1977 me shoket e Ministrise se Kultures dhe Aparatit te KQPPSH. Diskutojne Anastas Kondo, Jakup Mato, K. Xhokaxhi, M. Krantja, Raqi Madhi, Miti Bozo, Leka Shkurti. Filmi miratohet me disa sugjerime.
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