Reference Code I/2-13
Title The Congress for the Unification of youth
Synopsis The film begins with images from Shkodra, where the Congress for the Unification of youth is taking place. Comrades Enver Hoxha, Tuk Jakova, etc. are attending the congress. Comrade Enver giving a public speech at a meeting organized for Shkodra’s citizens. Tuk Jakova, Beqir Balluku, Mehmet Shehu, B. Spahiu, Liri Belishova are also attending the congress. On September 16, Congress begins its work. Comrade Ramiz Alia opening the congress. Foreign delegations taking part in this congress. Enver Hoxha welcomes the congress on behalf of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. He told the youth that they should walk on the path of the heroic Komsomol, the screen displaying images of the Red Army cadres , images of the army parade in Moscow, the discharge of steamers in Durres, images of the Komsomol parade, etc. The First Secretary of the Central Youth Committee, Comrade Ramiz Alia reporting on the youth activity in the railway, on the construction of the “Stalin” textile factory and the Myzeqe’s canal as well as on fighting against illiteracy. The head of the Soviet Union delegation, Comrade Mihailjanov, hands over the Komsomol flag to Comrade Ramiz Alia. The Chinese delegation offering gifts. The General Secretary of the English Democratic Youth, Herbert William, addressing the congress. The representative of the Greek and Italian delegations, Otello Montirion, addressing the congress. After the first session, the Soviet delegation places wreaths on the graves of the martyrs and visits the cooperative of Dobrac. The congress was welcomed in its next session by the representative of the army Sadik Bekteshi, and representative of women’s and youth organization Nexhmije Hoxha. The Congress elected the Central Youth Committee headed by Comrade Ramiz Alia as the First Secretary.
Camera Mandi Koci Hamdi Ferhati Agim Fortuzi
Category Documentaries
Year 1949
Release date 1949
Reels 2
Lenght (in minutes) 14
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations Shkoder
Notes Collaborator Orest Tola. Assist Cameraman: Janaq Nano.
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit