Reference Code I/2-463
Title The Chinese delegation of the ferrous metallurgy industry in our country
Synopsis The delegation arrives in Rinas. Koco Theodhosi, Rahman Manku, Kico Ngjela are waiting for the delegation at the airport. Girls giving bouquets of flowers. People welcome the delegation with applause. Mehmet Shehu, the Prime Minister of Albania receives the Chinese delegation, headed by Cen Shao Kuen. The Minister of Industry and Metallurgy of the Republic of China. Mehmet Shehu greeting. Spiro Koleka, Adil Carcani, Abdyl Kellezi and Koco Theodhosi take part in the event. The delegation visits Rubik. People welcome the delegation enthusiastically with songs and dances. They visit the copper plant. The delegation visits the Lac superphosphate. The minister of industry Zenel Hamiti accompanies the delegation. The delegation takes part in the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Independence in Vlora. The rally organized in Vlore. The grandstand. Enver Hoxha, Mehmet Shehu, Rita Marku, Koco Theollosi, Myslym Peza, Nexhmije Hoxha attend the event. The delegation visits the “Museum” house. Lefter Kasemi talking. Ismail Qemali’s photo. The delegation visits the house where the Labour Party was formed in Tirana, Andon Andoni narrating the history. The delegation visits Elbasan. The delegation is welcomed by Jashar Menzelxhiu. Pioneers give flowers. Visiting the construction site at the metallurgical Elbasan. He is accompanied by Koco Theodhosi and Zenel Hamiti. The delegation meets with the director of the metallurgical plant Veiz Gjebero. The delegation visits the Pishkash Prrenjea iron and nickel mine. Entering the gallery. Koco Theodhosi with a miner’s hat. The delegation arrives in Pogradec, walking across the lake. Enver Hoxha receives the delegation. Assisted by Ramiz Alia, Koco Theodhosi and Behar Shtylla, and Koco Theodhosi . Koco Theodhosi speaks. Cen Shao Kuen speaks. Abdyl Kellezi speaks. Xhaferr Spahiu and others take part in the event. The delegation departs from Rinas airpoirt . Translated by Koco Theodhosi, Rrahman Hamdiu, Kico Ngjela, and V. Gjebero.
Scriptwriter Vllasova Musta
Director Mithat Fagu
Composer Elda Budini
Camera Rakip Zeneli Viktor Sharko
Editing Marika Vila
Category Documentaries
Year 1972
Release date 1972
Reels 1
Lenght (in minutes) 10
Country of origin Shqiperi
Shooting locations
Producers Kinostudio “Shqiperia e re”
© Copyright Arkivi Qendror Shtetëror i Filmit